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Emilie's Ski Blog Visits New Paradise Basin at White Pass

By Emilie Kippen Westphal
Published: 12/24/10 Topics: Comments: 0

I just got back from a great ski at White Pass. (That's in South Central Washington State) and I just gotta tell you they have opened up 767 new acres of terrain in Paradise Basin. Its that area up and behind the original highest lift. That area that we all dreamed of skiing for a long time.

New Lifts at Paradise Basin.

Courtesy of White Pass Ski Resort

And now you can go up, take another chair, add 500 feet of vertical and ski fresh snow.

White Pass may not be the most well known ski area in the Northwest, but its was home of the famous skiing twins - Steve and Phil Mahre (Steve won a silver medal). Older folks will remember them as the crazy kids who virtually lived at the pass (Their Dad Spike" ran the place) and went on to Ski in the Olympics.

(You can get trained by the Mahre's at their Dear Valley training center (MahreTrainingCenter.com.)

After first applying in 1984, it has taken many years, and a $9 million dollar investment for White Pass to gain approval from the Forest Service to add all that new terrain to their operations but not that they have I think everyone agrees it is a big benefit to skiers from all over the Northwest.

The new area is served by one express quad chairlift, one fixed-grip quad chairlift and a new High Camp day lodge. The Pass is located almost equal distance from the major metropolitan areas of Portland Oregon and Seattle Washington. Lifts operate 8:45 AM to 3 PM. Lift tickets cost $57 for adults.

Untrack snow in Paradise Basin.

Courtesy of White Pass Ski Resort

So - if you want to have some fun, visit some new white stuff and ski until your knees cry uncle, you should run over the White Pass for a week or weekend. And stay at our sponsor Chateau Timberline, the closest hotel to the pass. Just 10 miles East near the town of Packwood. And don't miss the fun in Packwood. It’s a hoot too.

Author: Emilie Kippen Westphal, Plumbob Publishing
Blog #: 0168 – 12/24/10

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